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Read On The Go With The 5 Best Android eBook Reader Apps

best ereader applications for androidWinter is fast receding and the summer season is just around the corner. So chances are you will be moving out and about a little more than usual to enjoy the prevailing warmth in the air. One hopes that you will find enough time to sit down and relax with a nice book in hand. While there may not always be enough space in your bag to carry around this aforementioned book, your Android device will more than do justice to your plans of reading on the go.

There is so much to read and so little time in which to do so! Here are some ebook reader apps we think will come in pretty handy. Not only can you read books with these but some of them will even allow you to catch up on the best magazines and latest news out in the market.

There lies a possibility that you will have these apps preinstalled in your Android device so why not give them a try? Far from being shabby, you also get to stay within the ecosystem defined by Google with the use of these apps.

1. Google Play Books

google play booksWith Google Play Books, you will have access to a book store that knows no bounds. Some of the available books are free! You will also come across a number of textbooks although a future improvement in their selection range won’t do any harm. Your Google account will let you bookmark pages in your book, make use of a dictionary for looking up unfamiliar words, and read offline books across a number of Android devices. Oh, don’t forget that you can also upload your own EPUB and PDF files to the library as well. Nifty, isn’t it?

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2. Google Play Newsstand

Google play newsstandAs far as Google Newsstand is concerned, it allows you to sort out what type of news you would like to see. Choose from sections of world news, technology, sports, entertainment, business, as well as general news. Each section you want will pull up news from a different source. For exampe, if you are looking into general news, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Daily Telegraph may be your preferred source. You can also simply scroll through news pulled up from a number of sources and read them all together on the same page.

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3. Aldiko

AldikoAldiko is a clean and simple ebooks app for Android. Switch easily between the day and night modes, and alter size of margins and texts simply by tapping on the screen while you are reading. Aldiko gives you access to the Feedbooks Store where you can add custom catalogs of your choice. You also have the option of importing your own PDF and EPUB files with the use of this app.

Expect to come across some banner ads while using the free version. Upgrade to the paid version for only $2.99 and you will be able to say goodbye to these encroaching ads. The Premium version of Aldiko also allows you to write and highlight notes on your EPUB files and gain additional widgets to work with.

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4. Flipboard

FlipboardMuch of the allure of Flipboard lies in the fact that it has a pretty unique user interface. Swipe up and down the page and it will simply flip over to reveal some new content. This app allow you to sort news out into different categories such as arts and culture, sports, tech and science, business, etc. Flipboard attempts to create a tailored news experience by sorting out the categories of your choice the very first time you open the app. It then displays stories that are relevant to your area of interest with the use of tiles on the main screen of the app.

Flipboard also lets you create your very own magazine by putting together the stories of your interest in one place. Sources get added to the app when you start to “follow” them. Individual stories may also be downloaded and read offline.

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5. FBReader

FBReaderFBReader offers a number of interesting features such as flipping through pages with the use of volume buttons on your device or ability to change the background color of the book in hand to suit your reading style. Such other things as font style and size are, of course, customizable.

You will be able to get books from various Internet catalogs such as Smashwords and Free Books Hub while manually adding your very own customized OPDS catalogs. It has a compatibility with file types of a varying range such as RTF, HTML, .DOC, and EPUB. Add books manually to your catalog with the help of the FBReader app.

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We are aware that there are a number of great ebooks app for Android out in the market. Which of these apps do you think you would prefer to have on your tablet or smartphone? Is there a similar app you would like to see featured in this list? Let us know in the comments below.

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